Since I started working out 10 months ago, after the birth of my daughter. The fist DVD I bought was Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. When I started it I was over 200 lbs and had a hard time doing the workouts, it slowly became easier. Now weighing 154 lbs it's no longer a challenge, I can finish the whole workout without stopping (minus running to the bathroom after doing the jumping jack, children give you a weak bladder)
So on my fitness
Facebook page I started a 30 Day Shred Challenge. It starts today and ends on April 25. I'm doing more so for me, my daughter turns a year on the 25th of April. But I want everyone to join in!
If you want to join the challenge all you need is the DVD. I would also like before and after pictures that I will be posting on the facebook page, don't worry your head will be blurred and no one will know who you are. No need to be scared or chicken about it, I posted pictures of me when I was 240 lbs and was scared at first but, I have motivated so many that it doesn't bother me anymore.
You can email your before pictures to newyearnewyou @ But make sure you like my facebook page for more updates.
Happy Fitness to you all!