
Monday, August 15, 2011

Meet the beauty blogger: Areej

 This Monday is the lovely Areej
You can find her blog areejusman

 1. What is one beauty product you regret buying more than any other?Ans1.When I was new to make up I bought some make up brushes that I would never buy now! They are of no use !
2. What was the last beauty product that you purchased?
Ans2. It wasn't a single beauty product but it was an online haul at Beautyuk :If you want to see what I purchased see my post here:
3. When you aren't blogging how else do you spend your extra curricular time?
Ans3.When I am not blogging either I am thinking about what post to do next,or which products have still to be photographed!If I entirely skip thinking about blogging then I am watching Tv or Facebooking & catching up with friends & family & spending good time with hubby & family.
4. What were the reason's behind you starting up your own blog?
Ans4.My interest in make up,travelling & reading were the main reasons.Some more that pushed me were winning a make up contest!I wanted to share my share of creativity!
5. Can you give us one totally random fact about you?
Ans5.I love to sleep :)
6. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
Ans6.The excitement of trying new products from different companies ,the fun to share it with my lot & to create different looks occasionally.
7. What is your top beauty tip? Can be anything
Ans7.Staying calm & peaceful on the inside makes you beautiful :)
8. What do you think of makeup?
Ans8.Makeup is an affordable luxury to me :)
9. If you had to throw away all of your makeup except for 5 items, what would you keep?
Ans9.I would keep some essentials like DMGM Face powder,Sleek Palette,The Body Shop Blush in Golden Pink,Sigma Travel Kit & No.1 would be Maybelline Studio Gel eye liner!
10. Do you have a personal makeup style? If so how would you describe it?
Ans10. I love heavily made up eyes with highlighted cheekbones,blush & lighter lips.But I do not stick to it.I love changes & so my make up style can variate too after I am tired of one look :)
 Thank you so much Areej!
Stayed tuned for next Monday for another great blogger!

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