
Monday, August 08, 2011

Meet the beauty blogger: Dyna

As part as my Beauty Blogger series. This Monday is the lovely Dyna
 You can find Dyna on her Dyna's Random Blog

1. What is one beauty product you regret buying more than any other?
I haven't got that many regrets beauty wise, but the ELF eyeliner brush from their regular line is super useless. It's only £1.50 though so it definitely didn't break my bank haha.
2. What was the last beauty product that you purchased?
Last beauty product I "bought" - well, the last one I got in the mail, is the NYX HD foundation in HDF04 Sand Beige because I wanted a lighter shade in the NYX foundation :)
3.When you aren't blogging how else do you spend your extra curricular time?
I barely have any extra curricular time at the moment because I'm working a little too much, but since I'm currently living at a beach house, I just relax and chill :)
:)4.What were the reason's behind you starting up your own blog?
I started my blog initially to express my passions in singing, but then I shifted it to a beauty blog because I was inspired by other youtubers and beauty bloggers. :)
5.Can you give us one totally random fact about you?
One totally random fact? Uhm. I used to bite my toenails when I was young. Haha. Random enough huh?
6.What do you enjoy most about blogging?
I love LOVE LOVE the feedback and the interaction from other beauty lovers :D
7.What is your top beauty tip? Can be anything
Top beauty tip? I know a lot of people say "smile" but I'm going to stick to the question and my top beauty tip is to use different type of mascaras .. one volumising and one lengthening, you'll get a much better looking lashes.
8.What do you think of makeup?
Make up to me allows me to be creative and relax while doing it. It also allows me to hide any flaws and highlight any features I like.
9.If you had to throw away all of your makeup except for 5 items, what would you keep?
This is a hard one. 5 items. Uhm. 1- concealer, 2- mascara, 3- eyebrow filler, 4- bronzer, 5-
lip balm
10.Do you have a personal makeup style? If so how would you describe it?
My make up style. I would say it's definitely a smokey eye / nude lip look. I think it looks super sexy and sultry.

 Thank you so much Dyna!
Stayed tuned for next Monday as we feature another great blogger!



  1. I love Dyna! I follow her blog.
    She's so pretty!
    I love her cheeks!


    and thank you emily that means so much to me :D :D
