
Monday, August 29, 2011

Meet the beauty blogger: Lacey

 This is our last beauty blogger. I had a wonderful time featuring all the talented bloggers. Thank you so much for wanting to join this series.
This Monday is the lovely Lacey
You can find her blog laceysmiles84

 1.What is one beauty product you regret buying more than any other?
I am amazed that I still have this product! I really regret buying the elf Corrective Concealer quad. I love elf, but this quad is just too dry and does not provide me with essential coverage. I feel that it was a product that was not willing to blend for me! When I tried to conceal redness, I had to keep blending and looked worse than I did before. Major upset.

2. What was the last beauty product that you purchased?
I  have purchased two. (Does that count?) I purchased the Mark Lipclick full color lipstick in Whiney &  the Glowdacious Illuminating Powder in Shimmied Up.  I will be reviewing both of these products on the blog!

3.When you aren't blogging how else do you spend your extra curricular time?
Extra curricular time, what is that?!!  I am kidding, of course.  If I am not blogging, I am catching up with friends and family, interacting on Twitter (@laceysmiles84), reading other beauty blogs or watching videos. I like to relax with a movie or a book whenever I can. I also love music!

4. What were the reason's behind you starting up your own blog?
I have always loved writing. To say that blogging allows my creativity to flow is an understatement. I started my blog in December 2009 to share what I currently loved whether that be a song, a product, or great customer service. I began to watch YouTube videos and fell in love with the beauty community. I was always a fan of makeup, and I love learning from others. I wanted to share my feedback about beauty products. I am not a makeup artist by any means. I am a beauty product fan.  I am the gal that you see everyday; a girl next door.  I want to be like the girl friend that you go shopping with- except that we are both on student budgets! If there is a high end item in my collection, I have saved for it.

I have been extremely lucky that I have not had any terrible experiences with blogging. I am the kind of person that is very real and confident in who I am. I always feel that a positive outlook is better than being negative, and I always interact with positivity. I truly believe that you should treat others how you wish to be treated. I think that one of my top critical remarks is that "blogging is just putting up pictures and writing text". Blogging is way more than that.  There is work behind the scenes that is rarely ever seen.  The work involving pictures and graphics in itself is not an easy task but I truly love it. I am working on a blog schedule so that I can blog more. I am so grateful for my "Beauty Peeps". I truly feel blessed!

5. Can you give us one totally random fact about you?
I am the kind of person that likes to spread positivity and surround myself with positive people. I do have a weird sense of relying on the vibe I get when I meet people. I usually get a good vibe; however, I have gotten negative vibes before and it  ended up being disastrous! All in all, I usually see the good in people and I try to be the best person that I can be.

6. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
I enjoy meeting new people and sharing a common interest. I respond to every comment on the blog and Facebook page, every email, and tweet. I love the friendships that have been made. I love how one comment can brighten your day and learning from other beauty fanatics around the world. I love experimenting with products. I also enjoy putting together my blog posts, from writing and taking pictures to making graphics. Blogging is my therapy!

7.What is your top beauty tip? Can be anything
My top beauty tip is that you should be comfortable in your own skin. You can have all of the makeup in the world, but if you are not rocking self-confidence, then how can you let your beautiful self shine? My teen years have provided me with a great lesson; you need to learn to love yourself for who you are. People are going to try to bring you down through their own insecurities, but with self confidence, you do not need to give them the satisfaction! At the end of the day, you need to be happy with who you are.

8.What do you think of makeup?
I love makeup. You can get so creative and play around with your natural beauty. Most importantly, makeup is fun! It should never feel like a chore.

9.If you had to throw away all of your makeup except for 5 items, what would you keep?
Picking five products is impossible. I cannot fathom choosing only five as they all have their reasons why I love them.

10. Do you have a personal makeup style? If so how would you describe it?
My personal makeup style is always evolving as I like to try new things. I am always thinking of ways to change my makeup regimen.
Thank you so much Lacey!


  1. Thank you so much for featuring me!

  2. Your welcome! I loved featuring you!

  3. All five of your makeup blogging guests this month, are all beautiful ladies!!!
